Tag Archive "empire"

USA in decline? – German Newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. German, English, Russian

Lagebericht in 45 PunktenAmerika, du hast es schlechter Weltmacht? Dieses Land kann so nicht mehr funktionieren. Dafür gibt es Gründe. Die Liste ist lang. Von ...

Who is the main enemy of Russia. Главный враг России.

Угроза с Запада перевесила опасения Москвы насчет Востока Василий Микрюков Об авторе: Василий Юрьевич Микрюков – доктор педагогических наук, кандидат технических наук, член-корреспондент Академии военных ...

Ukraine: Obama, CIA, and NATO demonize Putin to hide their crimes

  Photo: RIA Novosti The actions of the US Government since the installation of George Bush as president have been criminal both domestically, where they ...

The good empire (Video), analysis

  The USA – An empire or a superpower?! The path that began from Mayflower The Mayflower ship departed Plymouth, England, in September 1620 inthe ...

Why the US is rushing to sign a deal with Iran?

There are strange things happening in the world – as if yesterday US – NATO wanted to bomb Syria to weaken the Iran – Syria ...

Putin: Politics in the United States has become a hostage to the imperial ambitions of the country.

Vladimir Putin 11.06.2013, Moscow 20:46:10 Politics in the United States has become a hostage to the imperial ambitions of the country, the president of Russia ...

Why the U.S. is trying to boost it’s export – it feels the cold wind of change in it’s neck- and that’s for good!

The U.S. economy is being directed towards more export recently. At first glance it may seem normal, since every country has to export some products ...