FAZ: Deutsche Bank entlaesst 14000 Mitarbeiter, drei Manager bekommen EU26Mill! Wenn die Gesellschaft so etwas duldet, so hat sie nichts besseres verdient.

July 9, 2019

26 Millionen Euro Abfindung für drei scheidende Banker Aktualisiert am 09.07.2019-20:59 Bildbeschreibung einblenden Die Firmenzentrale der Deutschen Bank in Frankfurt (Archivbild) Bild: AP Die Deutsche ...

Rats, hooked noses & bags of money: Belgian carnival slammed for ‘anti-Semitic’ float (VIDEO)

Jewish groups say that an ‘appalling’ float at a carnival in Belgium brings back Nazi-era anti-Semitic stereotypes. The event also sparked controversy by featuring blackface ...

Deutschland, Lafontaine: USA und ihre Vasallen sollen aufhören, uns ihre Lügenmärchen aufzutischen

9.02.2019 • 15:29 Uhr USA und ihre Vasallen sollen aufhören, uns ihre Lügenmärchen aufzutischen Quelle: Reuters © Ralph Orlowski Gewohnt deutlich: Oskar Lafontaine, hier ...

Die Deutschen werden von ihren Politikern und Journalisten ins Unglueck getrieben

Wenn man die ueberweltigende Mehrheit der Berichterstattung im Westen, inklusive Deutschland, sich anschaut, so kann man feststellen, dass die Nationen von ihren Eliten ins Unglueck ...

The Only Way Out For Ukraine Is National Reconciliation Not Political Persecution

INTERNATIONAL POLICY DIGEST Ukrainian Presidential Press ServiceWORLD NEWS /04 JAN 2019Mur Kvantaliani Recently a meeting took place in Washington among a group of Republican senators ...

25 требований французских «желтых жилетов»: вы не согласны хоть с одним?

25 требований французских «желтых жилетов» 1. Экономика и труд. Созыв всенародного собрания для реформы налогообложения. Законодательный запрет на налоги превышающие 25% состояния гражданина. 2. Немедленное ...

This Is the Real, Americanized, Nazi-Dominated Ukraine – Why the Mainstream Media is silent?

ERIC ZUESSE | 07.08.2018 | SECURITY / WAR AND CONFLICT | WORLD / EUROPE The historical pattern repeats its self – in the geopolitical strive yet another country is being radicalized towards ...

Interview with Italy’s Interior Minister and deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini conducted by Washington Post. See a comment a reader has posted in regards to Crimea – the Western position on Crimea is hopeless …

Source Comment to the following interview … … There was nothing fake about Crimea’s 2014 referendum. It was organized by Crimea’s democratically-elected government in accordance ...

Now the West begins to admit: Ukraine’s Got a Real Problem with Far-Right Violence (And No, RT Didn’t Write This Headline). The next step is to name those western politicians, who are responsible for bringing the neo-nazis in Kiev to power.

JUNE 20, 2018 BY JOSH COHEN It sounds like the stuff of Kremlin propaganda, but it’s not. Last week Hromadske Radio revealed that Ukraine’s Ministry of Youth ...

Merkel is responsible for Russo-phobia and Antisemitism in Europe

Merkel, the German Chancellor, head of government, is directly responsible for the Russo-phobia and Antisemitism in Europe! The recent attack of an Jewish young men ...

Ракеты Путина сработали: Франция выступила против НАТО

Сегодня, 15:45 Во Франции представлены на рассмотрение Национальной ассамблеи поправки к законопроекту о военном планировании. Они предусматривают кардинальный поворот политики французского государства. В поправках подчеркивается, ...

Questionable article in Jerusalem post: UKRAINE THANKS ISRAEL FOR SUPPORT ON CRIMEA AT UN

The current Ukrainian rulers are a product of Russophobia enhanced by US oligarchs. Their deeds are directed against its own Ukrainian people. Israel must maintain ...

Фрагменты передачи “За и против” (Pro und Contra) на австрийском канале PLUS4, тема передачи “Ледниковый период между Путиным и Европой – Угроза новой Холодной войны?”

Published on Feb 9, 2015 Фрагменты передачи “За и против” (Pro und Contra) на австрийском канале PLUS4, тема передачи “Ледниковый период между Путиным и Европой ...

EU has now an anti-fake site, which targets … whom you think? Right – Russia! LOL – the US-Vassals are shooting back with more lies.

Obviously, every one can call those news he doesn’t like Fake News. If one causes a car accident it is almost always the others fault ...

German Bombshell Bestseller Exposing CIA Media Control Blocked in US (Ulfkotte)

Americans are being prevented from reading an important book by a hero who made a huge difference Udo Ulfkotte is near and dear to our hearts, ...

Mr.Reason Volunteers In Israel, Ready To Do The Same In Battled Part Of Ukraine

American Friends of DVI Another wonderful dentist volunteers for DVI! Mr.Reason made the trip to Jerusalem in August. An article about him and the clinic ...

Der Spiegel unterstuetzt Volksverhetzung und Verleumdung.

Mit dieser Ueberschrift macht sich Spiegel schuldig an Beihilfe zur Verleumdung und Volksverhetzung: Krieg in SyrienDer IS steht wieder vor Palmyra Der “Islamische Staat” ist ...

Israelischer Experte über Terroranschläge in Deutschland und Merkels “idiotische Politik”; Израильский эксперт про терор в Германии и про идиотскую политику Меркель.

In Israel rages the Fire, but for the main stream German news website its not a topic they would report.

Nachrichten, aktuelle Schlagzeilen und Videos: Freitag, 25. November 2016 11:21 Uhr Frankfurt 10:21 Uhr London 05:21 Uhr New York 19:21 Uhr Tokio Twitter Facebook ...

Wie Merkel das Erbe Deutschlands verspielt, Handelsblatt: сердце госпожи Меркель бьется для Америки

von: Jürgen Dittberner Datum: 26.08.2016 08:12 Uhr По Русский Merkel ist bald elf Jahre im Amt. Wie hat sich das Land unter ihr verändert? Parteienforscher ...

Eric Frey, the ugly face of NATO. German TV: На ток-шоу в Европе, американцу чуть не наваляли за русофобские высказывания!Ukraine – Europa als die Achse des Guten und Russland als faschistischer Aggressor, Video

A voice from EU – Sweden! BRILLIANT: A Swede Explains Why His Country is Terrified of Russia (Video)

Please Volks, I agree with you 100%, but let Israel out of the game.

Biggest German Boulevard Paper Boycotts Russia’s Olympics – Shell the World Boycott VW too?

The biggest German boulevard newspaper Bild (translated: Picture) is not even listing Russia in the Olympic medal count! Bild is known for it’s Russo-phobic editorials. ...

Hier ein Beispiel wie die Deutsche Presse degeneriert!

Wie weit kann in einem vermeintlich freien Land die Presse beinflussbar sein und mit der Verbreitung von Unwahrheiten die eigenen Interessen verraten?   Schauen Sie ...

Main stream German media has lost objectivity, independence – damaging interests of Europe and of it’s own country.

German main stream media has lost credibility, which may become very costly in long run. Be it,,,, – and many ...

Тема еврейского Берлина неисчерпаема. …

Тема еврейского Берлина неисчерпаема. Даже на самое поверхностное знакомство со всеми памятными еврейскими местами в немецкой столице надо не день и не два. Когда идёшь ...

Merkel should dance before Putin, not Erdogan. As Syria Talks Flop, Obama Is Painted Into a Corner; ЕС должен просить помощи у России, а не склоняться перед Анкарой

© Jonathan Ernst / Reuters By Patrick Smith February 8, 2016 MOST POPULAR Our Most Popular Obama’s Slap at Putin Provokes Angry Response How Kate ...

Sahra Wagenknecht: EU Policy Has Destroyed Ukraine and Damaged Europe

Excellent speech the charismatic Sahra Wagenknecht, the vice president of the German Left party and German MP, gave in the German parliament March 18. Highlights: “The ...

Was fuer eine Frau! Sahra Wagenknecht, DIE LINKE: Frau Merkel, hören Sie auf, andere Länder zu demütigen!

Путин на Кипре, интервью.

Celebrating the victory over Nazi Germany in Moscow is “not natural” because it’s the place where World War II started, said Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna. London or Berlin would be more suitable, he added.

This article originally appeared at RT   Schetyna’s controversial comments came in an interview with RMF FM radio, as he was promoting Warsaw’s planned celebration ...

Financial Times (copied below) completely misrepresents the diplomatic process that led to the September ceasefire and the signing of the Minsk Protocol.

Putin, Poroshekno and Ashton meet in Minsk This article in Financial Times (copied below) completely misrepresents the diplomatic process that led to the September ceasefire and the ...

Yatsenyuk Rewrites History: ‘USSR Invaded Germany’

Breaking News: Charlie Hebdo Suspects Killed, Kosher Store Hostages Free: Reports © AP Photo/ Markus Schreiber Europe 11:36 09.01.2015(updated 13:27 09.01.2015) 6841428 Ukrainian Prime Minister ...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Ukraine betrayed Russia. Доминик Стросс-Кан – официальному Киеву: Вы, кроме злобы и ненависти, никому ничего не дали. Вы предали Россию

Strauss-Kahn: Europe does not want to die for Ukraine, the famous French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn said that the population and, in particular, the business community ...

Swedish cartoonist concerned after Paris attack – Now he may find the time to investigate the Junta in Kiev which NATO has brought to power.

‘Who’d dare publish now?’ Swedish cartoonist’s concerns after Paris attack Published time: January 07, 2015 15:36Edited time: January 07, 2015 17:25 Get short URL Swedish ...

Why Is MH17 Investigation Obsessed with Secrecy?

It’s impossible to have any confidence in whatever final report is produced by such an investigation James O’Neill (CounterPunch) ANALYSIS 22 hours ago | 2122 ...

Свидетель: Малайзийский Boeing был сбит украинским штурмовиком. Лётчик с ужасом сказал – “Самолёт был не тот!” Xотели ли сбить Путина который летел с Бразилии!

Су-25 ВВС Украины Фото: Sergei Supinsky / AFP Малайзийский «Боинг-777» был сбит под Донецком украинским штурмовиком Су-25. Об этом заявил «Комсомольской правде» служащий авиабазы в ...

Putin’s Recent Interview on German TV (Dubbed + Transcript)

In the last decade US has grown its network of military bases close to Russia and expanded NATO Even when Russia had grounded its bomber ...

What Europeans Think about EU Foreign Policy (Poll)


Bulgaria to regret exchanging Russia for despotic Turkey

08.12.2014 |Source Serbia became outraged by cancellation of the South Stream Pipeline. “We cannot be left without energy carriers. Russia owes us this much, because ...

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