Tag Archive "wwii"

Tshechs Jews are against Putin visiting Auschwitz – A mistake. Russian Text. Владимир Штернфельд: Евреи должны вспомнить прошлое и понять, кто друг, а кто враг

23.12.2014 |Источник: Правда.Ру Чешская еврейская община назвала визит Путина в январе в Прагу на мероприятия по случаю 70-летнего юбилея со дня освобождения концлагеря Освенцим неуместным. ...

Oliver Stone: “Nuclear Winter” is possible again. Оливер Стоун: “Ядерная зима” сегодня не исключена, Russian, English interview.

Оливер Стоун – о своей новой книге, вызвавшей шок в США, отношении к Сноудену и Путину, а также о том, кто же все-таки сбил малайзийский ...

The “Western Values” are about to loose historical edge – who will lead the world tomorrow?

To make it clear, the humans do need all the properties of human rights as it became evident after WWII, and the nations East and ...

9th May, WWII Victory Day. Besides Russia only Israel is celebrating this day at state level – shame for many countries, which wouldn’t be today without the blood spilled by Soviet nations to deffeat Hitler.

 2013                     In time, when millions lost their lives to Nazi’s aggression, and even US solders ...

1,418 days in hell: Soviet Union’s Great Patriotic War in pictures.

  80% of all armored assault in WWII was absorbed by the nations of Soviet Union. Western Europe succumbed to Hitler. Stalin was a dictator ...

Who brought Hitler to power

Hitler Wars. Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich. by Guido Preparata. 2005. Review By Henry Makow, Ph.D. 80 years ago, Adolf ...

Foreign Policy Journal: The Bomb Didn’t Beat Japan… Stalin Did

Have 70 years of nuclear policy been based on a lie? BY WARD WILSON | MAY 29, 2013 The U.S. use of nuclear weapons against ...