April 2015 Archive

Миф о «кремлевской пропаганде» при ближайшем рассмотрении не выдерживает критики

Рубрика: Политика Регион: США в мире Доктор политических наук Принстонского университета и постоянный обозреватель НВО Вильям Энгдаль отвечает одному из своих читателей, который, подобно многим ...

Reply to a Reader’s Complaint about Anti-American Pro-Russian Bias

Column: Politics Region: USA in the World I recently received a sharp complaint from a reader about an assumed anti-American pro-Russian bias in my writings. ...

Песчаные бури вернутся в США

Рубрика: Экономика Регион: США в мире Доктор политических наук Принстонского университета и постоянный обозреватель НВО Вильям Энгдаль в своей статье указывает на причины агрессивной политики США ...

Will it Be ‘So Long California, Been Good to Know You’?

Column: Economics Region: USA in the World We occasionally hear stories of the Great Dustbowl in America’s grain-rich Midwest during the Great Depression of the ...

Putin 2013 about human rights. Russian with German under title.

Charles Aznavour in interview with Pozner, Russian video

What do I expect from the new US president for Israel and the rest of the world?

I hope that the new President will go the path of reestablishing American authority in a sense to be a constructive force in the world, ...


Пять лет тому назад я перестал поддерживать АЙПАК (AIPAC), лоббистскую Еврейскую организацию США, которая якобы способствует безопасности Израиля. Конечно я за безопасность Израиля! Но я ...

Дмитрий Дубов – 9 Канал ТВ Израиль, все больше похож на “Чёрный Канал” бывшего ГДР

Русскоязычный Израильский канал, все больше похож на “Чёрный Канал” бывшего ГДР – т.е. одностороннее вещание против России (В ГДР было против США). Этот факт имеет ...

Explaining the obvious: Israel is a free country!

Prager University has released a video exploring the concept of apartheid and whether it relates to Israel, as many critics claim it does. There are ...

Stephen F. Cohen Explains Why There Must Be a Return to the US-Russian Parity Principle

The choice is either a New Détente or a more perilous Cold War (The text below is a somewhat expanded version of remarks I delivered ...

Sahra Wagenknecht: EU Policy Has Destroyed Ukraine and Damaged Europe

Excellent speech the charismatic Sahra Wagenknecht, the vice president of the German Left party and German MP, gave in the German parliament March 18. Highlights: “The ...

George Friedman (Stratfor): “Europe – Destined for Conflict?” (Feb 3rd, 2015), English, German

Biography[edit] Friedman’s childhood was shaped directly by international conflict. He was born in Budapest, Hungary to Jewish parents who survived the Holocaust. His family fled ...

Western Moral Bankruptcy and the New “Eastern” Hope. Россия и Китай — надежда для граждан Запада

Column: Society Region: USA in the World Spring has arrived in the north but the flowers poking their heads above the warming ground do not ...

Europe’s Shame: Support for War on Civilians in East Ukraine

An Italian journalist is confronted by civilian suffering in war-struck East Ukraine town “Europe arms the Ukrainian Army that is bombing us. Why? We, too, ...

Best viewed Multik, beats all charts in Italy! Маша и Медведь.

Russia will display its newest tank during the Victory Day Parade in Moscow’s Red Square on May 9 this year.

This article originally appeared in The Diplomat Russia will display its newest tank during the Victory Day Parade in Moscow’s Red Square on May 9 ...