July 2018 Archive

Американская журналистка: Мой дед не герой Литвы, а нацист и убийца евреев

Фото: obzor.lt Американская журналистка Сильвия Фоти поведала о чувствах, испытанных ею, когда она узнала, что ее дед Йонас Норейка, которого она считала борцом за независимость и героем Литвы, на самом деле был пособником ...

Saudi Journalist: We Must Advance Peace With Israel, Even If We Have To Make Concessions. Саудовская журналистка: “Арабам срочно нужен мир с Израилем” Женщина пытается убедить читателей, что арабы нуждаются в мире с Израилем даже больше, чем Израиль – в мире с арабами

Вести|Опубликовано:  22.07.18 , 19:24 Sukina Meshekhis (source: twitter.com/sukinameshekhis) ENGLISH VERSION В саудовской прессе вновь звучат голоса в поддержку мира и дипломатических отношений с Израилем. Журналистка ...

Interview with Italy’s Interior Minister and deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini conducted by Washington Post. See a comment a reader has posted in regards to Crimea – the Western position on Crimea is hopeless …

Source Comment to the following interview … … There was nothing fake about Crimea’s 2014 referendum. It was organized by Crimea’s democratically-elected government in accordance ...

Trump is following Russia not because he wants, but because the West lost the military edge for centuries to come.

Trump is doing what has to be done – unless the US administration makes a deal with Russia, it will loose its empire, which is ...

Before 1 January 2020, will any change be made to the Russian Constitution that would allow Vladimir Putin to remain in a leadership role after his current term?

The Russian Constitution limits presidents to two consecutive terms, but there has been speculation that future constitutional changes could allow Putin to remain in power ...