February 2017 Archive

Are We Toast? Documentary Reveals Looming Geopolitical and Environmental Disasters (VIDEO)

Thirty Seconds to Midnight explores the fallout of U.S. foreign policy Tremblay’s documentary argues that we are perilously close to midnight Documentary filmmaker Regis Tremblay ...

ITON-TV, Special File: Yaakov Kedmi on Obama’s logic, NATO and Russia

Water Wars! English, German Videos. Weltweiter Wassermangel im Aufmarsch. Ist Nestle in Colorado durch Manipulationen ans Wasser gekommen? Ein Video Bericht.

Source Main graphic.      

The sound and the fury: but words are worse

James Meikle, health correspondent Monday 5 May 2003 06.12 EDT Parents once worried that Elvis Presley, the Rolling Stones and the Sex Pistols were forces for ...

Ученые: поп-музыка негативно влияет на людей

Наука и техника Специалисты Колледжа управления академических исследований в Израиле выяснили, какое негативное влияние на людей оказывает поп-музыка. Оказалось, что легкие и веселые композиции могут ...

Pence’s Smug Face: Russia Will End US-Led World Order

Lavrov Tells It Right to Pence told a room full of Washington lapdogs that the United States would “continue to hold Russia accountable”. Then Lavrov ...

Russia and Israel have many things in common

By Mr.Reason, English, German   As different the situation in Israel and Russia is, there are some similarities. Both countries are fighting for their very ...

Huffingtonpost: Listen Liberals: Russia Is Not Our Enemy

02/15/2017 04:01 pm ET | Updated 1 day ago 640 I must say that I am simply baffled by what appears to be the prevailing ...

Top 10 defends budgets 2016 in US$bn


Кедми о великом достижении России

СУПЕР Фильм Аркадия Мамонтова-РАЗГРОМ НАТО ГРУЗИН Война 2008 против Южной Осетии,Абхазии

The Electrical Universe – Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie

O’Reilly’s Reckless Murder Charge. Bill, possibly you are a killer too, but for sure an arrogant as hole! I will start apologizing after 2023, or when you understand how deep you and your colleagues descended professionally.

Russia Demands Apology for Fox Blowhard O’Reilly’s Reckless Murder Charge Abettor of mass murder Bill O’Reilly tells us that Putin is a ‘killer’ Enrico Braun ...

Theodor Herzl – We need Your Help! How to achieve peace in Israel? Теодор Герцль – Мы нуждаемся в Вашей помощи! Theodor Herzl – Wir brauchen Ihre Hilfe!

Israel can not accept a fully sovereign Palestine which has the aspiration to have a full scale Army, Air-force, because Israel will not be able ...

“Ядерный пепел”: как США хотели уничтожить СССР

Published on Dec 23, 2015 Национальное управление архивов и документации США рассекретило документ о планируемых атомных ударах Америки в случае начала войны в 1959 году.

Iran Is ‘World’s Biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism’, Says World’s Biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism

Nice try, Washington. Riley Waggaman 5 hours ago | 1,422 32 DONATE! FACEBOOK628 TWITTER REDDIT 45 PRINT The US has no business lecturing anyone about ...

На пути к мировому величию Что помогло Израилю попасть в список наиболее влиятельных государств

Фото: Amir Cohen / Reuters Израиль впервые вошел в восьмерку самых влиятельных держав мира по версии журнала American Interest, потеснив в этом перечне Саудовскую Аравию. ...