February 2013 Archive

Our second agenda is not a secret, it’s just politically incorrect to talk about it – except for Russia. How they dare!

Russia's Vladimir Putin says West is fomenting jihadi 'blowback' (via The Christian Science Monitor) Both Vladimir Putin and his foreign minister have lashed out at ...

U.S. – Universities: “All inclusive” hotel resorts for lunch and learn. Vacations on credit card for the better future of whom?

Student Loan Bubble Update: “This Situation Is Simply Unsustainable” (via Market Shadows) Courtesy of ZeroHedge. View original post here. Submitted by Tyler Durden. The last ...

“My way or highway” does not work with Russia – balance of power is good for all of us, believe it or not.

US-Russia Confrontation…They are bound for war! (via http://siteground243.com) Greetings,    Haven’t we said time & time again that things that were once held in private ...

The human dignity is untouchable – First paragraph In German constitution. Auschwitz taught us all a lesson.

Human dignity (via Edukalife) Definition, Concept and Meaning: Human dignity Human dignity is the right of every human being, to be respected and valued as ...

The U.S. dollar is like the legendary Titanic – too big to fail. But it is even more – it’s the most important thing we have – is it?

China, Russia, and the End of the Petrodollar (via Market Shadows) Courtesy of John Rubino. Say you’re an up-and-coming superpower wannabe with dreams of dominating ...

Not to be forgotten – ever, the battle of Stalingrad.

 A colossal monument, The Motherland Calls, was erected on Mamayev Kurgan. It has the size of three statues of liberty and is a symbol of ...